Sales Representation

There are primarily three means for a company to penetrate new markets;

  1. Invest in the addition and/or reallocation of existing personnel and resources toward researching each market and identifying and determining the viability of respective appropriate prospective opportunities and partners, determine how to navigate complex organizational structures and hierarchies, strategize how to bypass gatekeepers, identify and connect with key decision-makers, and ascertain how best and culturally appropriate (corporate, position, team, and geo-specific) to elicit interest and present benefits that the parties may or may not find of value.
  2. Or, engage through Agreement the expertise of Erlich Enterprises’ dedicated focus to mining specified territories, channels, accounts, Value Added Resellers (VARs), and more to develop new markets and generate revenue for new and existing offerings on a 1099 (non-salaried) independent sales representative standing.
  3. Employ Targeted Introductions by applying Erlich Enterprises’ vast network of connections and relationships along with its unique ability to penetrate the most complex and largest organizations to deliver the opportunity for you to present its offerings direct to key decision-makers.

Sales Representation & Targeted Introductions

Enjoy dedicated focus on the development of new business and markets worldwide at a fraction of the investment your business would incur when adding personnel and/or reallocating existing resources for this purpose. Additionally, the opportunity cost from the strain and impact on existing business and executive bandwidth in most cases outweigh the strategic and cost benefits of companies branching out to do this themselves.

Engaging Erlich Enterprises, by way of an ‘Independent Sales Representation Agreement’, enables immediate deployment of dedicated focus on mining new markets, industries, and opportunities. With expertise in the North American markets coupled with global experience and network, such an alliance provides your company with rapid access to targeted key accounts, VARs, including IP licensing potential (where appropriate), and possible acquisition/sale of your business for top dollar to leading global operators.

Such an Agreement allows your business to operate on an upfront agreed-upon retainer and performance commission basis for sales, royalty licensing, and company mergers and acquisitions without the overhead, heavy fixed costs, and complexity of building out and bridging out teams and management. 

Interested in reaching new markets effectively and efficiently? Contact Erlich Enterprises now to review your business interests and learn how you can achieve this success.

Get the meetings you need with the decision-makers you’ve been unable to find, reach or focus on.  By a unique performance-only Agreement, Erlich Enterprises offers you the ability to meet the key players in the spaces you want to operate in without any investment unless the meetings desired are fully secured.  

In Targeted Introductions, Erlich Enterprises serves mainly as the bridge to connect you with the decision-makers at the top organizations you want to with you maintaining full oversight for all conversations and management thereon.

The performance-only offering is supported by a two-pronged compensation award basis.

  • An upfront agreed upon Secured Meeting Fee one-time payment, payable only when the parties you are interested in engaging with agree, in writing, to have you present to them directly (e.g. virtually, in-person, etc.).
  • Nominal Commission for any business that you may secure through such introductions.

Ready to meet with and present your offerings to the people who can make business happen at the world’s leading organizations? Contact Erlich Enterprises now to review your interests.