Tend to be owner operated whereby the owners often operate as the ‘department head’ (or multiple departments head) or assign top performers the immense responsibility of acting as coach and player. Unfortunately, limited management and business experience stresses individual and team performance, limits maximum potential, misses opportunities, and unintentionally results in costly errors. In short, proven experience is what’s needed, but is it affordable?
The opportunity cost, that is what is lost by providing alternatives, has universally tended to be far more costly in the end. From lost business to losing personnel, poor management guidance and strategies can cost a business dearly. Yet, there now exists an affordable, easily implementable, and highly effective solution.
Fractional Management, also referred to as “Outsourced Management”, is the practice of hiring a highly experienced, professional Manger to oversee the operations of personnel and strategic development for a department. Similar to an inside full time hire, the “Fractional Manager” may execute whatever aspects of governance of a department that business ownership requires, including hiring, managing, coaching, corrective action, planning, best practice implementation, and more.
While high caliber managers with top tier company experience are out of the affordability range for many businesses, and such sought after talent normally invests their career path in the leading business operations, Erlich Enterprises provides a bridge to this expertise via Fractional Management. Fractional Management offers attainable and affordable access to a vast elite network of proven executive managers in every department, division and segment of business. And, for virtually every industry.
Simply put, the experienced Fractional Manager provides their service to a business on a predetermined periodic bases. As opposed to a full time hire that cost businesses salary, benefits, paid leaves, and so forth, Fractional Managers dedicate anywhere from as little as one half to a full business day per week up to a complete project assignment term basis to successfully manage the business. This shifts an investment from a full hire total compensation package to essentially predetermined billable hours at a fraction of the cost.
In this manner, typical high investment compensation packages for premium seasoned management are now compartmentalized into customized and very affordable solutions, to give your business the best talent and greatest experience at your command to drive its success and full potential. Depending on the level of talent and term basis selected this could be as little as <10% to approximately 1/3 the expense of a full time top tier level hire.
Businesses set clearly defined expectations of their Fractional Management, ranging from performance objectives and data metrics to term or project basis, and communicate directly. In turn, these seasoned professionals operate with absolute focus to execute management needs in a concentrated and repeated bases to drive measurable results. With the world forced to shift to offsite remote operations, the interest and need for Fractional Management has become the new standard rather than the exception for businesses needing access to top talent to help guide their business to optimal success.
Erlich Enterprises provides the access to available premium Fractional Management and search refinement tools to simplify and expedite the introduction of the right talent to you.
Start by selecting the department/positions for which you want Fractional Management.
Chief Culture Officer
Chief Diversity Officer
Chief Sustainability Officer
Chief Happiness Officer (yes, it’s a thing)
Chief Human Resources Officer
Chief Listening Officer
Chief Sourcing Officer
Chief Talent Officer
Chief Investment Officer
Chief Learning and Development Officer
Chief Brand Officer
Chief Content Officer
Chief Creative Officer
Chief Digital Officer
Chief Experience Officer
Chief Marketing Officer
Chief Web Officer
Chief Compliance Officer
Chief Risk Officer
Chief Quality Officer
Chief Business Development Officer
Chief Sales Officer
Executive/Vice President of Sales
Executive/Vice President of Strategic Partnerships
National Account Manager
National Relationship Manager
Chief Analytics Officer
Chief Data Officer
Chief Data Scientist
Chief Research Officer
Chief Digital Transformation Officer
Chief Transformation Officer
Chief Visionary Officer
Chief Communications Officer
Chief Reputation Officer
Chief Engineer
Business Unit Leader
Chief Executive Officer
Executive Director
General Manager
Managing Director
Chief Digital Transformation Officer
Chief Innovation Officer
Chief Information Officer
Chief Technology Officer
Chief Intellectual Property Counsel
Chief Patent Counsel
General Counsel
Chief Administrative Officer
Chief of Manufacturing
Chief Operating Officer
Chief Process Officer
Chief Solutions Officer
Plant Manager
Chief Procurement Officer
Chief Supply Chain Officer
Chief Commercial Officer
Chief Growth Officer
Chief Revenue Officer
Chief Information Security Officer
Chief of Security
Chief Security Officer
Chief Actuary
Chief Strategy Officer